Saturday, May 7, 2016

How We House a Bunny!

We have picked and chosen different ways to accommodate him, 
but we finally have a plan that works in his and our favor. 
Bugz says, "Welcome to my Crib!"
We bought this cage at Pet Smart. It was quite pricey, but he loves it, so we do as well.
At first, we would leave the cage closed while we were at school or at work, but we made his home a little larger. Now the door is kept open and he just goes in there to pee/poop. (Makes it much easier to clean it up)
Water bottle: He used to drink out of this water once in a while, but now he does not drink out of it at all. Just a decoration now!
Chew ToyHe does not really play with it anymore, so just a decoration now!

Hay Manger: We used this hay manger for a couple of days and he was not really pleased by it. Just a decoration now!

(All three products are from Pet Smart) 

My Dad divided his room in half and made this fence.
This allows Bugz to be able to exercise and run around all day long. We do not allow him to run around the entire house because there are many cords around that Bugz can chew up and he can get himself into mischief. It is not bunny proofed!
This is the main place that Bugz loves hanging out in. He usually sleeps, cleans himself and eats here. He also loves to be under things so that's why he enjoys his little cave.
Bugz's toys include: 

His food:
He is fed pellets and hay 75% of the time. He has a big bowl that has a smaller bowl of pellets in it and hay. 
He usually eats a bowl and a half of pellets a day.
The black bowl that looks like a witch pot: his water bowl

His pellets are stored in the recycled cookie container.
His hay is stored in an airtight Container Store container. 

He is inside the travel cage in the picture, but not very visible. 
We bought a dog travel crate for Bugz since they don't usually sell any for bunnies.
They had a variety at Pet Smart and this one was $25. 
It's pretty spacious for when we need to bring him around. 


  1. How freaking cute!

    Aïchatou Bella


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